VW Cooling Tin & Chrome Stuff

VW cooling tin are maybe the most important parts on your VW, Piersideparts.net has all the proper pieces to keep your air cooled Volkswagen running like it was designed.

VW fan shrouds, cylinder tin as well as the front and rear tin is all available here. We offer most cooling tin in chrome or black finish. Scat VW cooling tin is also available.

Also available are multiple oil fillers, and many engine dress up kits and dress up VW parts.

If you are having trouble finding a vw part you need, please email us. vw parts help

Black 36Hp Shroud W/ Heat
Chrome 36Hp Shroud W/ Heat
Chrome 36Hp Doghouse Shroud W/ Heat
Chrome Breast Plate No Holes
Chrome Breast Plate W/ Heater
Chrome Breast Plate W/ Heat Riser
Chrome Stock Breast Plate
Black Breast Plate No Holes
Black Breast Plate W/ Heater
Black Breast Plate W/ Heat Riser
Black Stock Breast Plate
Chrome Pulley Tin
Black Pulley Tin
Chrome Bellhousing Tin
Chrome Doghouse Bellhousing Tin